Monday, February 27, 2017

Theories of "Divergent"

We all love the film Divergent, but has anyone ever thought of the sociology involved in the movie? Well, I sure have. There were four main theories involved in the movie, and I'm here to tell you about them. (Spoilers Ahead)

Strain Theory

Strain Theory is the idea that deviance is more likely in gaps between cultural goals and the ability to achieve those goals. That being said, the whole conflict of the movie was a great example of the strain theory. Abnegation is the head of government. However, Erudite believes that they should be the ones in charge. With the obsession of being head faction, Erudite leader, Jeanine Matthews, devises a plan to take out Abnegation. Using a serum that makes the ones injected more susceptible to orders, Dauntless and Erudite officials inject all Dauntless citizens. This act caused all of Dauntless to go on a crazy killing rampage, practically wiping out all of Abnegation. With the amount that Jeanine and the rest of Erudite wanted to be head of government, they were willing to do anything to take over.

Control Theory

Control Theory is the idea that compliance requires strong bonds with society. The saying "faction before blood" and the whole concept of only abiding by your factions laws is a great example of the control theory. The founders of this futuristic Chicago, make everyone believe that there is no life outside of the walls. This caused everyone to not bother leaving. Creating five factions makes everyone feel as if they have a role in the society. Therefore, every law and everything that the citizens of these five factions believe in are all part of the control theory.

Differential Association Theory

Differential Association Theory is the idea that individuals learn deviance by exposure to deviance. The entire Dauntless population is deviant in their own way. They run everywhere they go, they fight, jump off trains, etc. In the beginning of the movie, Tris was a quiet Abnegation girl. However, with the exposure to the Dauntless ways, she becomes just like one of them.

Labeling Theory

Labeling Theory is the theory that society creates deviance by identifying them as such. The idea that Divergent people are bad is an example of the labeling theory. In reality, Divergents have a much smarter mind than everyone else, causing officials to feel threatened by them. So, they make everyone believe that being divergent is terrible, and that if you are one, you should be killed.

The examples that I listed are not the only ones from the movie. They are simply the most obvious. So, the next time you watch Divergent, or any other movie, try to see what theories are involved within it.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

How to Fully Enjoy an NBA Game

Have you ever been to an NBA game, or any game for that matter, and felt like you should have had way more fun? If you have had a thought like that, you obviously weren't attending the game right.
NBA games are absolutely FANTASTIC. In my personal experience, I attended a New York Knicks vs OKC Thunder game and the atmosphere was amazing. I had a fantastic time and it was all thanks to these 3 steps.
Step 1: GET OFF OF YOUR PHONE. People are so self involved in their phones that they can't take a break to enjoy a simple game. I was looking around, seeing people constantly on their phones and it left me thinking, "how are they even enjoying this?" So, my advice is to just take a break from the outside world and put your full attention to the game.
Step 2: Enjoy the atmosphere. Don't be that person who thinks they are too cool to get up, yell, chant, and dance for your team. Yes, I said dance. There is music played throughout the whole game, so stand up and just start going with it. Plus, that will earn you a golden ticket to the big screen. Which leads us to step 3.
Step 3: Try your absolute hardest to get on the big screen! If you remember one thing from the game, it will be the moment you were on that screen. The second you see the cameras rolling to different people in the crowd, get up and start going crazy. No matter what section you are in, if you are going crazy enough, it will land you right in the center of attention. I promise, there will be nothing more fulfilling than being able to say, "I danced in front of thousands of people last night." Plus, it will give you a good laugh and great story to tell.
So, if you are going to a game any time soon, just follow those steps and you will have an amazing night.