Thursday, March 9, 2017

What Made Harry Potter Amazing

Everyone has heard of the famous Harry Potter series, and most everyone loves them. Although, what was it about the series that made it so unbelievably popular? I can tell you what made it amazing for me, the writing. Yes, the story was great and I (just like everyone else) fell in love with all of the characters. Well, except Voldemort and Dolores Umbridge, of course.

J.K. Rowling is one of the most phenomenal writers of all time, and if you don't believe me than you obviously haven't read her books. She does such a great job of making you fall in love with the characters.  When I finally finished the series, I felt lost. I needed Ron, Hermione, and Harry in my life. In a way, I felt connected to them. They seemed like the perfect friends that I've always wished I had in my life. That was the first step into making me fall in love with her writing.

The second thing that made me fall in love was the way she connected the words to my mind. Reading the books was like watching a movie awarded "Best Picture." She was so elegant and precise with every word, I could do nothing but get lost in the story. From how Privet Drive looked, to the common rooms, to the secret tunnels throughout Hogwarts, she made everything seem real. It's no secret that was the key to keeping all of the readers hooked.

Last but not least, is how from the start of the story it seemed as if she already had all 7 books figured out. Of course, there were some unanswered questions. Like if Neville's parents ever became normal, what Luna did with her life, and if Harry, Ron, and Hermione ever finished school. But for the most part, everything tied together. It tied together so well that reading the seventh book left me in awe.

For me, those are the things that made the series so unforgettable. How J.K. Rowling does it? Well, I don't know, but if she ever wanted to share her secrets with me I wouldn't decline.

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